Organic Wasp Control

Blossom Lady
Jul 04, 2021 08:37 AM
Organic Wasp Control

Yellow jackets, paper wasps and hornets are the most common species of wasps that build their nests right where you don't want them - in and around your lawn and garden. While these insects are often considered pests because of their nasty stings, they are actually important to the garden as predatory insects and pollinators. However, when their nests get a little too close, such as in the garden, it is sometimes necessary to get rid of wasps to avoid future problems that could arise. If you need to control wasps, however, for the safety of your pets and family, there are ways to do so without chemicals. Discover some of the most effective ways to remove wasps from your garden.

Outdoor life on patios and in gardens means that sometimes you will run into a wasp situation. Wasps are very good for the environment because they act as pollinators. As a general rule, try not to harm wasps. However, if you need to control wasps for the safety of your pets and family, there are ways to do it without chemicals. Eliminating things that attract wasps is a good way to prevent stings. This includes rotting garbage, fruit from fruit trees, sweet foods and drinks, compost piles, strong perfumes, and pet food.

If you see a wasp, don't run or strike. If it's just one or two wasps, stay calm and very still. Wait for the wasps to fly away. If it is a swarm of wasps and they have already stung, calmly cover your face with your hands and slowly walk away from the swarming wasps. Do not run away, even if you panic. Seek treatment immediately.

If a wasp lands on you, do not run away or strike. Gently wipe the wasp off you with paper or cardboard - not your hand. Walk away slowly without panicking.

Although it is best not to kill wasps, sometimes this is necessary. In these cases, it is much safer to use a trap instead of insecticide. While the insecticide is deadly to the wasps, it is also harmful to humans if inhaled, and not good for the environment at all.

How to make an all natural wasp trap.

1. Get an empty 2-liter plastic bottle.

2. Cut the top third of the bottle and turn it upside down.

3. Insert the upside down part into the bottle.

4. Securely tape the bottle parts together tightly. 

5. Fill the bottle with fruit juice to attract the wasps.

6. Set the bottle near the nest and not in high traffic areas in your yard. (If you hang it after dark, the wasps will be less active and less likely to sting.)

7. Wasps enter the inverted cone but cannot find a way out.

How to organically spray down a wasp nest.

1. Wait until evening when all the wasps return to the nest.

2. Put 1/4 cup of pure castile soap in a hose-end sprayer.

3. Run the water until you see suds.

4. Spray the nest with a powerful spray. Stop to see if they are still flying. If so, spray again.

5. Repeat the process the next evening if you are still concerned that the insects may still be alive.

Tip: Wasp nests can be found in the smallest of places. While wasps are great pollinators in the garden, sometimes controls must be taken to keep them under control.

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