Vegetables to Grow In April

Blossom Lady
Apr 10, 2021 01:01 PM
Vegetables to Grow In April

April is a busy time in the veg garden, as lots of seeds can be sown this month. Now that the days are longer and warmer, you can start sowing some crops, such as carrots or peas, outside. Discover which container crops you can sow in April. More tender crops like aubergines and courgettes, still need to be sown under glass, either in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill. You can also plant out potatoes, as well as onions sets, shallots and garlic and Jerusalem artichokes. Find out which crops you can sow in April and get fresh pickings all year from even the tiniest space.

Plan a mix of crops

To harvest veg throughout the year, it’s vital not to waste space or time – growing a mix of quick crops to harvest that season, and slower ones that you’ll harvest the following season. As soon as one veg is harvested, replace it with a different one to ensure you get the maximum out of each square. Opt for compact varieties, which don’t take up too much room, and choose fast-growing and early varieties that are quick to mature, so you get speedy harvests and can move on to your next crop. Start sowing now and by the end of spring your bed will be a mix of quick-growing veg, to be picked this season, and slower ones for summer harvests.

Getting Started

1. Prepare your soil

Good soil is crucial when you are growing lots of different crops packed into such a small space. Intensive growing demands a lot from the soil, so prepare the ground well by digging it over and then forking through a generous amount of organic matter, such as well-rotted animal manure or compost. 

2. Start sowing

Hardy crops can be sown directly in the ground as soon as the soil starts to warm up in April. Sowing in squares, rather than traditional rows, allows you to grow crops a little closer together. Sow most seeds individually at their final spacing, so you won’t waste seed or time thinning out seedlings later. It also makes use of every inch of space with fewer gaps for weeds to take hold.

3. Get quick results

Give your crops the best possible start and get growing quickly. Put hoops at the ends of your bed to support a simple polythene cloche. Use this to warm the ground before sowing and create a sheltered micro- climate after sowing. Once germinated, keep seedlings ventilated during the day and remember to water. Remove it on hot days and once seedlings are established.


Vegetables to Grow In April
Beetroot is an easy crop to grow, making it ideal for beginners. It will grow in any fertile, well-drained soil and also does well in containers.
Harvest when the beets have reached golf ball size.


Vegetables to Grow In April
One of the best crops for a quick harvest. This fast-growing crop is easy to grow and is a good ‘catch crop’, growing on empty ground that is waiting for other crops, or between slower growing crops. Sow direct outside, every three to four weeks, for a continuous supply throughout summer. Ready to crop in 5 weeks. Direct sow 16 seeds per small square from early April to September.


Vegetables to Grow In April
Lettuce is best sown undercover in April. Sow it in seed trays or modules, for transplanting outside later in spring. Hearting varieties can be picked when young and sweet.
Direct sow 6 seeds per small square from early April to July.

Salad leaves

Vegetables to Grow In April
Fast and continuous, with the first mini leaves ready to harvest in just 3 weeks. Direct sow 2 rows per small square from early April to August.

Spring onions

Vegetables to Grow In April
Harvests in 8 weeks. It can also be sown in August for pickings early next year. Direct sow 2 rows per small square from early April to May.


Vegetables to Grow In April
Sow carrots on well-prepared soil that is free of stones – stony soil results in forked carrots. At this time of year, it is a good idea to protect against carrot fly, by putting up a barrier around the crop. Your crop should be ready to harvest three to four months after sowing. Harvest when young for super-quick crops in just 6 weeks.
Direct sow 16 seeds per small square from early April to July.


Vegetables to Grow In April
Ready to crop within 10 weeks, keep picking for a continuous supply. Sow indoors from April. Direct sow in May – 4 seeds per small square, thinning to 2 plants.

Courgettes, marrow, squashes, cucumbers and pumpkins

Vegetables to Grow In April
Courgettes, marrows, squashes, cucumbers and pumpkins are known as curcurbits, and can all be sown in the same way – in individual pots, undercover. Plant outside once the danger of frost has passed (cucumbers often do best in a greenhouse). Choose high-yielding, compact varieties for an endless supply throughout the summer. Sow indoors in April, planting out after frosts, 1 plant per small square.
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