Citrus Spring Care

Blossom Lady
May 05, 2021 02:12 AM
Citrus Spring Care

Spring is the perfect time to prepare citrus plants for marvelous growth. Citrus plants require lots of nutrients to develop their beautiful fruit. They do great with regular feeding right throughout the year, but there are some spring tips for the best results. Citrus including lemons, limes and various oranges, are popular indoor plants but need good regular care to thrive. So for everyone who owns one of these rewarding tender fruit trees, here’s a timely guide on citrus care for late spring.

For citrus to grow well, the golden rule is NO grass below them.

Citrus Spring Care
In fact, they like the grass removed right out past the dripline. The dripline is the area directly below the outer branches. Citrus tree roots feed close to the ground surface and usually below the dripline, so grass will deprive them of their food.


Citrus Spring Care
Most citrus are durable plants able to survive temperatures close to freezing.
However, at low temperatures plants go very dormant and can be slow to wake up. A better bet is to aim for a minimum of 50 ̊F in a cool, bright room indoors. Our lime lived out the winter parked at the end of a dining table, sharing a humid microclimate with other plants. Fed roughly once a month with a citrus winter feed, the lime was a cheering sight all winter with glossy leaves and a succession of scented, cream-white flowers (inset). But now all citrus need a little attention to keep them flowering and fruiting.

Citrus trees are heavy feeders, requiring lots of rich organic composted matter to produce a tree ladened with juicy fruit.

Citrus Spring Care
After removing the grass, spread organic fertilizer onto the soil, keeping it away from the trunk. Fully organic fertilizer promotes strong and robust growth. Use a citrus fertilizer at a rate of 1 – 2 lbs. for every year of age. Fertilizer should be applied around drip line of tree. Do not put up next to the trunk. Slow release fertilizers work well and can be used less frequently; follow the instructions of the manufacturer.

Citrus flourish when well mulched.

Citrus Spring Care
Spread a layer of mulch on top of the fertilizer. Be sure to spread this out past the dripline and leave a gap around the trunk.

Don’t forget to give your citrus a good deep watering.

Citrus Spring Care
This will help promote strong growth, ultimately producing crops of sweet and luscious fruit. Newly planted trees should be watered regularly for the first three months, if rains are inadequate. The soil should dry down between waterings. For trees in containers, watering will need to be more frequent since the tree isn’t planted in the ground. Let soil dry between watering. If the tree stands in water, it will get root disease.

Citrus trees require full sun year round.

Citrus Spring Care
It is best to plant your tree such that it will get as much available sunlight as possible. If you live in a northern climate where you must move your tree indoors, try to place in a sunny location. Morning sun is the most beneficial for your tree. The south side of your house will usually provide the most sunlight.

Finally, don't forget to stop and smell the blossom!

Citrus Spring Care
Although citrus don't always follow a strict fruiting season, they usually flower at some point between February and May, so do find time to enjoy the fragrant blossom when it's out.
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