How to Make Handy Fabric Planters

Blossom Lady
May 08, 2021 08:47 AM
How to Make Handy Fabric Planters

These handy fabric planters can be fixed up in no time, and, planted up with colorful bedding, they will create instant impact on a bare wall. Unlike hanging baskets, they don't stick out very far and this makes them useful for decorating narrow spaces such as side passages or small courtyards. Here is a simple step-by-step guide to make a hanging pocket fabric planter from scratch.

As an alternative to flowers, you could also fill these planters with different varieties of cut-and-come-again salad leaves; herbs like basil, parsley, coriander, and oregano; or even cascading 'Tumbler' tomatoes.

In autumn, consider cramming the pockets with single displays or mixtures of small hardy spring bulbs. Alternatively you can empty them, dry them thoroughly, then fold them away for the winter.

You will need:

  • Soft pencil or chalk
  • Fabric wall planter with pockets Hammer and galvanized masonry nails Trowel
  • Multi-purpose potting compost with added John Innes
  • Sufficient plants to fill one per pocket
  • Bucket of water for plunging plants


Step 1. Fix to the wall
Mark a level on the wall to act as a guide for fixing. Nail one corner, stretch the planter taut, then nail the other corner. Add a couple of nails between for extra holding power; a full planter will be heavy.

Step 2. Fill the pockets
Part-fill each of the pockets with moist potting compost, allowing sufficient room to accommodate the root balls of your chosen plants, in this case petunias.

Step 3. Begin planting
Prepare the plants for planting by plunging them in a bucket of water first. Wait until the bubbles stop, indicating the root ball is saturated. Plant and add some more compost.

Step 4. Firm plants in, then water. 

Firm the soil lightly with your fingers. Ensure there is a gap between the soil surface and rim of the pocket to allow water to pool before soaking in. Water thoroughly, pouring slowly.

Plant Options

Sun-loving plants:

Sutera Copia Series; Sutera cordata 'Snowflake', Bidens ferulifolia, Lysimachia congestiflora 'Outback Sunset', million bells (Calibrachoa), Nemesia cultivars, Scaevola aemula 'Blue Wonder', Swan river daisy (Brachyscome multifida), trailing geranium (Pelargonium), trailing snapdragon (Antirrhinum), Diascia hybrids, verbena (trailing cultivars)

Shade-loving plants:

Begonia sutherlandii, busy lizzie (Impatiens),
fuchsia (compact trailing varieties), violas and pansies, wishbone flower (Torenia), Begonia (fibrous-rooted varieties), Impatiens New Guinea hybrid, Monkey flower (Mimulus × hybridus), Solenostemon scutellaroides, Variegated mints (Mentha cultivars), Primula Wanda hybrids

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