10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond

Blossom Lady
May 08, 2021 09:16 AM
10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond

A garden pond adds beauty, elegance, and unique atmosphere to your outdoor spaces, providing a great habitat for wildlife and lively interest to a yard! Whether a fish pond, a receiving basin for a waterfall, or simply a placid body of water for meditation, a garden pond provides a central point that enhances nearly all yards. However, maintaining a backyard pond is more challenging than constructing it. And today I’m sharing with you a round-up of basic suggestions on how to take care of your backyard pond.

1. Mind the sun

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
When building a new pond, remember that siting it in full sun will encourage the growth of algae, so position it in a lightly shaded area.

2. Use the newspapers

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
When the hole has been dug for a pond, use whole newspapers soaked in water to line it instead of using sand. The papers can be molded around any contour. Or use old carpet. Both will protect the liner for many years.

3. Do not line a pond with normal polyethylene sheeting.

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
It will tear easily. Use purpose-made butyl rubber sheeting, which should carry a guarantee against leaking.

4. Install an overflow pipe in a new pool.

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
Because heavy rainfall could cause the water to spill over the edge.

5. Take a pair of old tights.

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
Take a pair of old tights, cut the legs off, and place one leg inside the other. Fill the tights with aquatic compost and tie off the open end. To plant, burn a hole in the tights with a match at various points, and plant your aquatic or marginal plants through the holes. Locate the bag around the edge of the pond to suit requirements. The plants will soon grow through the tights and the tights will soon be hidden.

6. Check the potted plants.

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
If potted plants are close to a pool, they should be moved away when applying liquid fertilizer, as it could harm fish in the pond and it also encourages algae growth.

7. Be patient.

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
After placing plants in a garden pool, wait three weeks for the water and plants to settle before introducing fish.

8. In winter leave a ball in a pond

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
A ball left in a pond before an overnight freeze will help to stop the pond from completely freezing over. If the ball is removed in the morning it leaves an air hole for fish and a water hole for other animals.

9. Add coins.

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
To keep that green slime from collecting in the birdbath or fountain, add a few copper pieces or coins.

10. Remove algae easily

10 Tips for a Perfect Backyard Pond
Remove algae or blanket weed from a fish or garden pond by rotating a rough barked stick in it. To make it easier to remove the algae from the stick, cut a lengthways groove in it and the algae can be cut off with scissors. Use the algae as compost in the herb garden.
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1 comment
Jul 03, 2022 06:17 PM

Outstanding advice thank you so much.